Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Own Argument

Partial-Birth Abortion, there’s just no justification there. As was stated by the Supreme, It is never medically necessary for a woman to have this procedure done. There are supplementary steps that can be taken, other abortion procedures that are safer and much less evasive.

I absolutely agree with the ban. Had I been one of the Supreme Court Justices, I would have been amid those who ruled that the procedure be forbidden. Women today have so many choices, there are contraceptive methods. While I agree that human beings have the right to make their own decisions, I diverge that they should never be allowed to just terminate another human beings life at will. What’s the difference with a person just shooting someone? Yet, they would be charged with murder. Why then should a woman, with or without the support of a man, just determine to end a life.

A woman can have power over whether she wants to be pregnant, except for a case of rape, or if she’s in an abusive relation where her partner doesn’t permit contraceptive.

In normal circumstances, she can take the pill, ask her partners to use a condom, ask her Gynecologist for other options that is available. Daily, just by watching television, hundreds of ads are aired on birth control methods. We have a choice.

These unborn babies do not have a voice, therefore someone has to come forward on their behalf, and actions have to be taken to ensure that careless acts don’t result in the death of another human being.

Partial-birth is allowing the fetus to pass through the body half-way through, then killing it and extracting it from the woman’s body. D&E (dilation and evacuation), and D&X (dilation and extraction) are two safer ways to perform an abortion. Doctors argue that the ruling is vague, but their only trying to rationalize their acts, the part they take in assisting these women in these dreadful acts of murder.

Not only is this act illegal, i deem it unethical as well.

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