Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What I think of the legal system

I have very strong opinions on the legal system. Firstly, I do believe that it needs improvement. The law was made to protect and enforce, but nowadays, more enforcing is being done than protecting. It is no longer uncommon for innocents to be locked. It’s hard to differentiate between the innocent and guilty due to the fact that the treatments are usually the same.

I was watching television just recently and saw, where a mentally challenged person was tear-gassed and shocked because He stayed too long in a public bathroom. The guy was simply having difficulty when suddenly he started making a mess on himself. The store-clerk called the police and without proper querying, they started applying force. Where’s the protection there?

The legal Officials need more training on how to carry out the law. There are always complaints. Whilst you cannot please everyone, there still should be some form of strict recourse to the ones who corrupt the system and place a bad reputation on the system as a whole.

I don’t believe they are being punished enough. If they break the law, it seems to be a slight tap on the wrist, while a civilian or just an ordinary person, commits lesser offenses and gets treated as hardcore criminals. This then tells me that the legal system is unfair, unjust, corrupt, and needs a change.

The law-makers are the biggest law-breakers. The legal system should never be just for the common people. It is for all. Everyone is under the law, and no one above it.
“The law assures each person certain rights and assigns each person certain duties. The law enforcement authorities… enforce specific laws called statutes…A violation of these statutes is a crime.” (Essentials of Business Law, Anthony L. Liuzzo, page 31)

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